LivEco Recipe Delivers Self Sufficiency

The proud owners of the first LivEco Plus home have reported that they are not only self sufficient in terms of energy but they are also generating a four figure nett profit annually on energy generation which is being sold back to the grid. The pv array will pay back within 3 years such is the energy efficiency of the dwelling, which is heated and cooled with a reverse cycle heat pump. All lights are low energy warm LEDs which consume a fraction of the power associated with conventional fittings. Water consumption is also a small proportion of the norm, due to toilets and other appliances being supplied with rain water from the harvesting tank stored beneath the lawn.

This is great news for the owners who were among the first subscribers to the LivEco vision five years ago. Its also excellent news for the LivEco designers who can now justify their approach to sustainable housing design with hard facts and figures.